Sunday, December 16, 2012

Time to Begin Again

Now that I've finished another semester of college I can relax and work on getting my diet and fitness straight again before the next semester begins. I have one month to try and set up a plan. So I bought a new tool in order to do so.

It is an exercise tracker from Gold's Gym. It gives helpful hints to start on a healthy lifestyle. Has charts for food calories and calories burned from activites. There are 8 weeks of pages to plan and write down what you ate, and what you did activity wise. There are also some workouts listed using equipment most people have at home.  It's spiral bound in a hard cover and is a size that would fit nicely in my purse and/or gym bag. So I think it's worth what I paid, or I hope so.  I plan on starting tomorrow working on new goals.

One of my goals is to eat more vegetables.  So I'm going to try and eat a lacto-ovovegetarian type of diet for breakfast and lunch and snacks and eat like an omnivore for dinner.  I'm working out my meal plans in order to accomplish this. Because if I don't plan I'll eat whatever and whatever isn't always good.

I'm learning so much in my classes and need to start applying this knowledge to my daily life in order to be able to teach my future patients without looking like a hippocrite.

So here's to new beginnings and tomorrow always being a new day.

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